Donnerstag – 23. November 2017

06:00 - 09:00


RadioLoRa 97.5 ogni sabatodalle 06:00 - 07:00 Uhr ascoltataci



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09:00 - 09:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature". Today: John Wick and Calla Rose Ostrander: Carbon Farming
Sequestering carbon from the atmosphere back into the soil is emerging as among the top biological strategies to radically mitigate climate disruption on large scales.
It’s also a rapidly growing movement among farmers across the country, including in conservative communities – because it IS conservative… of the land and soil. John and Calla Rose are visionary leaders of the Marin Carbon Project, a gold standard of carbon farming research demonstrations. John is co-owner (with his wife Peggy Rathmann) of the Nicasio Native Grass Ranch. Calla Rose, former Fellow with the Rocky Mountain Institute, has led policy and climate action programs with Aspen, CO and San Francisco, CA, and is a leading advocate for and expert on agricultural carbon sequestration. Introduction by Nuna Teal, The Jena and Michael King Foundation. This speech was given at the 2017 National Bioneers Conference.
Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges. Subscribe to the Bioneers Radio Series, available on iTunes and other podcast providers and on your local radio station.



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09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Growing up with a non-binary gender
Across most of history and across many (but not all) societies, gender has been assumed to be binary: that is, people fall into one of two mutually exclusive categories -- male and female. Gender has also been equated with sex: male bodies contain male brains and female bodies contain female brains. And in most cases, this is true: such people are called cisgender. But as we've explored on OutCasting, there are people whose gender identity is female though their bodies are male and vice versa, and those people are called transgender.
But nature is rarely if ever purely binary, and so it is with gender. There are people whose gender self-identification is neither male nor female, whose identities combine elements of both, and some of these people's gender self-identification is "non-binary." OutCasting youth participant Jamie is one of them.
The pronouns people use to refer to themselves -- and prefer others to use about them -- are closely tied to gender identity. Males generally use the pronouns he, him, and his, and females usually use she, her, and hers. So important are these pronouns that people may take offense if the wrong pronouns: a female might object to people referring to her as "him," while a male could be offended if someone called him "her."
This pronoun usage is of equal importance to both transgender and non-binary people, in whom gender identity might not be what meets the eye. As detailed in a BBC article, there have been attempts to popularize new words such as zie, zim, and zirs, but some non-binary people prefer to use the singular version of they, them, and theirs. The Washington Post reported that the singular "they" was named the Word of the Year by lingusts at the American Dialect Society's annual meeting in January 2016. Jamie uses they/them pronouns. In this fascinating conversation, Jamie talks with fellow OutCaster Alex about their (Jamie's) coming to understand their gender identity, their confused feelings about being a boy at an early age, their later questioning of their sexuality (Jamie identifies as pansexual), their family's acceptance, and more.



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10:00 - 12:00

Offener Politkanal: Info-Palästina (W)

Info-Palästina ist eine monatliche Sendung auf dem Offenen Politkanal auf Radio Lora zum Thema Palästina. Ziel und Zweck ist es, die öffentliche Wahrnehmung, die Akzeptanz und das Verständnis der palästinensischen Geschichte und Kultur zu fördern. Dazu bietet die Sendung Erfahrungsberichte von Palästina-Reisenden, aktuelle politische Nachrichten und Analysen, Informationen zur Geschichte und Kultur, Hinweise zu aktuellen Veranstaltungen. Die Sendung Info-Palästina ist religions-neutral und parteipolitisch unabhängig. Gemäss der emanzipatorischen Tradition des Radio Lora wird bei der Sendungsgestaltung auf eine ausgewogene Repräsentation von Frauen und Männern geachtet.
Titel: Info-Palästina
Verantwortliche: Sami Sabaana, Saba Sahbai
Zweck: Infos über Politik, Kultur und Veranstaltungen zu Palästina Mittel: Interviews, Gespräche mit Gästen im Studio; Besprechen von Artikeln, Büchern, Studien; Musikbeiträge; Jingles; Gedichte
(Wiederholung vom vergangenen Sonntag, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr)



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12:00 - 13:00

LoRa Mittagsinfo (W)

(Wiederholung des LoRa-Infos von gestern, 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr)



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13:00 - 14:00

Musik mit Farben

برنامج موسيقى بالألوان كل يوم اثنين من الساعة الثامنه حتى العاشرة صباحا
برنامج موسيقى بالألوان كل من يحب الألوان ولكل من ليس له لون
برنامجنا مفتوح للجميع ليشاركوا معنا وأمكان أي شخص أن يشاركنا أو يرسل لنا أخبار حول الموسيقى أو اغاني أو سيدهاتأشرطةتسجيل لأذاعتها مباشرة من راديو لورا
راديو لورا منكم وأليكم ويحي لكم دعمكم
من اعداد وتقديم سامي سباعنه

In den neuen Tag mit Klängen aus dem Morgenland.. Sami verwöhnt euch mit arabischen Melodien und Informationen auf arabisch!



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14:00 - 15:00

Radio Somalia

Kulturelle Beiträge von und aus Somalia. Infos zur Integration somalischer Landsleute in der Schweiz und zur Schweizer Asylpolitik.



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15:00 - 16:00


Eine Sendung über Äthiopien in amharischer Sprache. Informationen über Bertukam Midekesa, die Präsidentin der Partei UDJ, welche den Grossteil ihres Lebens im Gefängnis verbracht hat.
enough is enough (mal muss es auch genug sein)
Eine gallige Zeit in Aethopien für alle politische Gefangenen. Wenn ich diese tief schmerzliche Nacht gehört habe, ist mein Körper geschockt. Wichtig ist, dass niemand sicher ist und nicht ruhig züruck nachhause fahren kann. Wann ist die Sauerkirschenzeit vorbei? Mir tut es leid für Aethiopien, seine Zukunft ist geschmolzen, 
jede ungerade Kalenderwoche



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16:00 - 17:00

Voice of Palestine

This show brings you information about Palestine. Culture, art, literature, music and political information in arabic and german language.
jede ungerade Kalenderwoche



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17:00 - 18:00

Musique et Moi

Müzik motifleri eşliğinde sohbet ve kısa açılımlı portre-röportajların yanısıra dünya müziğinden özgün seçkiler sunar.
her ayin birinci, ikinci, persembesi / jeden 1., 2. Donnerstag im Monat



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18:00 - 19:00

Info LoRa

Das Nachrichtenmagazin greift Totgeschwiegenes auf, beleuchtet Bekanntes von unten, hinterfragt Breitgetretenes kritisch.



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19:00 - 20:00

Natürlich gesund

"Gesundheitsthemen aus ganzheitlicher Sicht, immer der Natur folgend. Unterlegt mit Musik aus der Welt."
Jeden 2.und 4.Donnerstag im Monat



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20:00 - 22:00

Strictly Reggae Show

«Strictly Reggae Show» Jamaican English
jeden 4. Donnerstag im Monat



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22:00 - 24:00

Groovetown: Mineralwasser - Pure HipHop since 1997

Inhalt: MINERALWASSER - pure HipHop since 1997. Erste Stunde mit STEREO LUCHS live im Studio. Der Dancehall-Poet zeigt mit seinem neuen Album wie Schweizer Urban Music 2017 klingt. Ab 23 Uhr meldet sich DON FUEGO zurueck. Der Rapper killt CH-Rap mit seiner neuen EP. Beats mit DJ Swissivory.
Jeden vierten Donnerstag des Monats von 22-24 Uhr



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00:00 - 06:00

Sun Radio

Continuing in the spontaneous groove / abstract sound tradition of NYC's "Audio Gumbo", Sun Radio brings an ecstatic, eclectic, electric, acoustic, organic, synthetic, syncretic sonic stew to your ears and souls. Unhinged from stylistic limitations or delineations. Crossing borders without passports. From hyperwarp uberfunk to solar sparks, outer realms of impossibility to eternal serenity. Including: Jazz / Funk / Folk / Fusion / African / Indian / Jamaican / Experimental / Electronic Focus on live performance and living ensembles, new music, upcoming projects, rare materials. Local Zurich Kultur, Swiss regional and transnational diversifications. Crunchy Muesli for your Mind. Tone Science for your Ass. Straight from Outer Space to Zurich and Beyond. And Back. Sunshine in the middle of the night.
jeden 2. und 4. Donnerstag im Monat



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Radio LoRa

Militärstrasse 85a, 8004 Zürich

Studio: 044 567 24 00

Koordination: 044 567 24 11

E-Mail Kontakt: Link hier

Präsenzzeiten: Montag bis Freitag 13 – 17 Uhr

IBAN CH91 0900 0000 8001 4403 9

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