endlossounds: live from ZW für Captain Support


Endless Sounds Radio Lora (120h music, on 16 August in the ZW) combined with a solo party for Captain Support Network: Support for criminalized people on the move

The European migration regime systematically criminalizes people on the move. People are often arrested and imprisoned because they are accused of driving boats and bringing people to Europe. They are often accused of people smuggling, usually without access to adequate legal assistance or any form of support. Captain Support is a network of solidarity with those criminalized for facilitating freedom of movement and connects them with local and legal support networks. www.captainsupport.net

Proceeds from admission go to Captain Support.

Line up:
18.00 - 19.15 // k-tsvit
19.15 - 20.30 // Beppi
20.30 - 22.00 // zorny x char-lit
22.00 - 23.30 // WAWA ROJX
23.30 - 01.15 // sin serif
01.15 - 03.00 // BBYMOON
03.00 - 05.00 // Tiavonah