The Hard Drive

The Hard Drive - science geeks in Zurich
A "popular science" radio show focused on the cosmpolitan scientific community of Zürich.
the two guests today are
-Naveen Kuppuswamy a graduate student in robotics from the Artificial Intelligence Lab of the University of Zurich. His robot Octopus will explain why most animals are soft and not hard. He knows that the robots he builds are not supposed to harm human beings (Asimov's laws of robotics), so nothing to worry about for innocent civilians in Zurich.
-Luca Ballan , from the Institute of Visual Computing at the ETH. Luca teaches machines to see and understand motion, contributing to cutting edge videogame technology. He can also take 1,000 mobile phone videos of the latest
U2 show and turn them into one 3-D movie.
jeden zweiten Samstag im Monat