The Hard Drive
The Hard Drive - science geeks in Zurich
As cold weather creeps in, the environmental geophysicist Lasse Rabenstein tells about ice, or more precisely about the thickness of the shell of ice covering the Arctic ocean: are we causing it to melt? what will happen to all the polar bears? The other guest is the pain researcher Amrei Wittwer who will pay to torture you and look at your reactions.
jeden zweiten Samstag im Monat
As cold weather creeps in, the environmental geophysicist Lasse Rabenstein tells about ice, or more precisely about the thickness of the shell of ice covering the Arctic ocean: are we causing it to melt? what will happen to all the polar bears? The other guest is the pain researcher Amrei Wittwer who will pay to torture you and look at your reactions.
jeden zweiten Samstag im Monat