LoRa Sommer: Antirepression

333 Years in Prison: an Interview with Burak Agarmis (Political Prisoner in Greece) on the trial against alleged Members of the DHKP-C in Summer 2021 July
Interview with Burak Ağarmiş. He is a political prisoner in Malandrino prison in Fokida/ Greece, one of the 11 turkish communists sentenced to a total of 333 years in prison in July 2021 for alleged membership in DHKP-C. Burak also speaks on behalf of the other convicts and expresses their perspective on the scandalous trial and the proportionality of the persecution under terrorism charges. He explains why they were not surprised by the repression and tells us about the backgrounds of his comrades. These are in the order they are named in the interview: Sinan Oktay Özen, Sadi Naci Özpolat, Ismail Zat, Hasan Kaya, Halil Demir, Ali Ercan Gökuhlu, Harika Kizilkaya, Hazal Secer, Sinan Cam and Anil Sayar.

How fascist is the government of turkey? 2nd Part of the Interview with Burak Agarmis
We continued our interview with Burak Agarmis. He is a turkish communist and political prisoner in Maladrino prison in Fokida/ Greece. He is one of the 11 turkish communists sentenced to a total of 333 years in prison in July 2021 for alleged membership in DHKP-C. In the first part Burak speaks about the scandalous trial and the biographies of his fellow comrades.
In this part we will speak about current struggles inside turkish prisons and discuss about some key events in the younger history of Turkey.

"Sie werden den 1. Mai verbieten und es wird Krawalle geben" - 3. Teil des Interviews mit Burak Agarmis
Interview mit Burak Agarmis. Er ist türkischer Kommunist und politischer Gefangener in Griechenland. Er gehört zu den 11 Verurteilten im DHKP-C Verfahren vom Juli 2021. Im Ersten Teil der Serie haben wir uns über die Angklage, das Gerichtsverfahren und die Biografien der 11 Gefangenen unterhalten. Nachdem wir im 2. Teil über die Erfahrung des Gezi-Aufstands gesprochen haben, wenden wir uns in diesem Teil dem Putschversuch der Jamaat, dem Gegenputsch Erdogans sowie der Einführung des Präsidialsystems zu. Abschließend erzählt uns Burak was er über die nähere Zukunft in der Türkei denkt.