Sonderangebot: Talk Talk Talk #7 ’Embodied dreams’


Talk Talk Talk is a series of Audience podcasts that are a live moment with Audience in the MigrArt space as well as at a later time will be published on different online platforms as well as aired on local Zurich radio Radio LoRa @radiolora97.5

How do we commune around collective dreams in nourishing ways? What does it look like when we assemble for something that sparks hope? In this exchange we are exploring some of the why’s, the how’s, the who’s and the where’s that we’ve come to learn about as afro-diasporic curators, organizers, creatives and dreamers who are co-creating the spaces we want to exist. As bodies who have experienced displacement and relocation, we are exploring shared notions of be_longing while drawing knowledge from our lived experiences.

is a multidisciplinary artist and organizer based in Basel. Their creative expressions mirror their processes of Becoming by weaving together different artistic mediums such as writing, sound production, DJing and curating. At the core of FONCE‘s practices are storytelling and re_membering. They are interested in re_writing and re_assembling embodied narratives while drawing knowledge from their lived experiences.

is a member of the OKRA Collective based in Basel Switzerland and has emerged as a significant player in the local community in the recent years as an artist and curator. She is renowned for her artistic prowess, which involves connecting artists and creating positive yet deeply personal clubbing experiences for Diasporic individuals.

Mona-Lisa Kole
works full-time as a specialist and project manager for migration and racism issues and also uses her expertise to volunteer in various socio-political collectives - including the Afro-feminist collective CABBAK, the Bla*Sh network, the post-migrant platform DIASBOAH and the safer space café révolution for people who experience racism and sexism, which she co-founded in 2020.
