Talk Talk Talk von MigrArt


Talk Talk Talk is a series by MigrArt that aims to foster public panel discussions as an inclusive platform for dialogue and engagement between individuals affected by racism.Talk Talk Talk wants to make relevant debates, stories, poems, challenges and difficulties within the BIPoC communities visible. It aims to bring the voices of those most affected to the forefont, engage with relevant struggles and enter a public dialogue. By exploring 10 topics from March to December 2024, ranging from themes such as Echoes of Experiences, trans-queer identity, mothering to working with cultural institutions and intergenerational gaps as artists, activists and community organizers, Talk Talk Talk creates a space for reflection and collective action based and centered on the experiences of the marginilized. Talk talk talk features  local, national and international guests and will be broadcasted as a podcast on Radio Lora (DAB + and UKW) and other online platforms.