

Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature".

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Mittwoch, 14.10.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Business for the Common Good - Building Local Living Economies in the Age of Climate Change

As we navigate the onset of climate change, we're witness to the rapid obsolescence of the human systems built on the assumption of cheap oil. The clock is running out on expensive (and vulnerable) practices such as the long-distance, fossil-fueled global supply chains that transport the average bite of food 1200 miles to reach our plates. Inevitably communities are moving toward a greater re-localization of such basics as food, energy, and water. And that makes sense because that's how nature is organized. Famed restaurateur and local food advocate Judy Wicks is at the forefront of the movement to re-define business practices, grow greater security and nourish sustainable communities.(09-34)



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Mittwoch, 30.09.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Fair Food - Ending Slavery in the Fields.
Would you believe, here at the beginning of the 21st century, that every order of fast-food served with a slice of tomato is part of a system of slavery and labor abuse that exists right here in the United States? The intense demand for cheap food from the largest corporate buyers drives farm workers into the ground. The courageous labor organizer Lucas Benitez calls for reform at all levels of the food supply chain--from growers and buyers to fast-food corporations and organic grocery chains. And he includes everyone who eats, because we have the market power to demand better treatment of those who harvest their food. (09-33)



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Mittwoch, 23.09.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Beyond the Vagina Monologues
For a decade, the award-winning play The Vagina Monologues has provided a startling window into the conflicted complexity of women’s relationships to their bodies and pervasive worldwide violence against women. By revealing the deeply personal stories of women and their private parts, world-renowned playwright and women’s rights activist Eve Ensler gave birth to a global movement to end violence against women and girls with the non-profit organization V Day. V Day has raised more than $60 million to support grassroots anti-violence groups around the world through performances of this groundbreaking theater work. (09-32)



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Mittwoch, 16.09.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: The Green-Collar Economy
Jobs, Justice and Prosperity
Just how dumb do they think we are? Who would believe that destroying the ecosystems on which all life depends, while dis-employing more and more people, is somehow good for the economy? But exactly that fiction of jobs versus the environment has been successfully marketed to us. Community organizers Van Jones and Majora Carter propose a radically simple solution for both environmental destruction and social inequality: Bring the rising green revolution to low-income, urban America. (09-31)



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Mittwoch, 09.09.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Formless Warriors - 21st Century Wisdom from Old-Growth Cultures
For thousands of years, First Peoples have successfully managed the complex reciprocal relationships between biological and human cultures using Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). Yet no prior human civilization has ever faced the globalized ecological collapse occurring now. In the face of unprecedented pressures on their homelands and ways of life, indigenous leaders Enei Begaye, Dune Lankard, and Hawk Rosales are organizing in new ways to protect the environment--and spread their knowledge for the sake of all life on Earth and future generations.(09-30)



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Mittwoch, 26.08.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Eco Schools - Educating for Sustainable Communities
Most American schools are flunking out when it comes to how well they integrate ecological literacy across the curriculum. And many are doing no better than a C average with the idea that schools should be actively engaged in sustaining the natural and social communities in which schools exist. Fritjof Capra, co-founder of the Center for Ecoliteracy, and leading environmental educators Cheryl Charles and David Orr explore what’s working for the A+ schools that are successfully integrating ecological awareness, understanding and practices through the curriculum and the community.(09-29)



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Mittwoch, 19.08.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Eco Schools - Educating for Sustainable Communities (09-28)



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Mittwoch, 12.08.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: What’s Good for Life Wins - The Biomimicry Scientific Revolution (09-27)



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Mittwoch, 08.07.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Green-Collar Jobs: Laboring into the Next Economy
Labor leader César Chavez helped ban DDT. Truckers are helping address appalling asthma rates at the filthy port of Los Angeles. And inner-city clergy, not suburbanites, led the latest victory against the big-box Wal Mart stores sprawling over community open space. Unlikely allies? Environmental justice and labor leaders Manuel Pastor, Maria Elena Durazo and Rev. Alexia Salvatierra show us that in a truly sustainable economy, everybody's an environmentalist - and a healthy environment depends on economic justice. (0808)



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Mittwoch, 24.06.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"



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Mittwoch, 17.06.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
A Sense of Wonder: Ecological Literacy and the Facts of Life
Does our very survival now depend on our ability to understand the facts of life, nature’s operating instructions, and how to live by them? Join the Center for Ecoliteracy’s Fritjof Capra, Zenobia Barlow and Esther Cook to learn how experiential, participatory education in the environment is revolutionizing education from kindergarten through high school through an education of the heart.(09-26)



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Mittwoch, 10.06.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Light at the Crossroads: Environment Meets social Justice
Because environmental destruction leads to scarcity, and scarcity leads to conflict, restoring the environment is key to peace. Yet those working for the environment and those working for social justice have not linked arms until recently. Van Jones invites us to bring down the social walls that we ourselves have built, and work together to counter the time-worn strategy of divide and conquer. (09-24)



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Mittwoch, 27.05.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Think Globally, Act Non-Locally: Prayer, Healing and Fertility
Can consciousness change the actual outside physical world at a distance? Dr. Larry Dossey says it can. He describes how major scientific studies are revealing the healing power of intercessory prayer and distant intentionality. The revolutionary implications of these studies in
the field of medicine are just beginning to be understood. (09-23)



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Mittwoch, 20.05.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: An Ecology of the Heart
Nine out of ten Americans strongly favor wilderness protection, but Federal policy actually threatens such preservation. In her decades of work at the U.S. Forest Service, Gloria Flora faced threats and harassment as she tried to protect the forest commons. She tells us that in order to sustain landscapes, we need to sustain ourselves, and in order to sustain ourselves, and we need to sustain landscapes. (09-22)



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Mittwoch, 13.05.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Blue Gold: Who Owns the Rain?
As water tables plummet and a billion of us lack access to clean water, large global corporations are working to charge us for the rain. Visionary change-maker and author Maude Barlow describes how companies are turning water into a commodity, and we hear from activist Nancy Price about what people are doing around the world to stop it. (09-21)



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Mittwoch, 22.04.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Connecting the Drops.
Could Los Angeles stop draining water from the Colorado River and become self-sufficient?
That’s a question that Andy Lipkis and his organization, Three People, are tackling in an unprecedented alliance with public works agencies. Their work proves that the more we learn about how ecosystems operate, the more sustainable we can design our cities and our human infrastructures. (09-19)



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Mittwoch, 15.04.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: All My Relations: Indigenous Vision.
In these ecologically perilous times, many call for fundamental change of heart if we are to restore vital ecosystems. Oren Lyons, Leslie Gray and John Mohawk remind us of the values that sustained indigenous people for thousands of years in a balance that supported the land, and
offer direction toward nothing less than a value change for survival. (09-18)



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Mittwoch, 08.04.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Cultivating Women’s Leadership: The Revolution Is To Be Well.
Young women across the US are stepping boldly into their power. From the heart of Native American and urban communities, this generation of engaged women is taking leadership beyond old models of hierarchy and self-sacrifice. Vickie Downey, Rha Goddess and Lateefa Simon express the soul and passion at the center of new collaborative, egalitarian approaches to promoting positive social and environmental change.(09-17)



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Mittwoch, 25.03.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: A Thing Unseen: The New Superpower of Global Popular Movements Despite its apparent dominance, is globalization a house of cards? With world opinion against it rising, globalization appears to be unraveling. Maude Barlow describes her experience in Cancun at the WTO Summit, Tom Hayden marks the birth of the next global superpower, and
Holly Near invokes the spirit of a new rising in the world. (09-16)



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Mittwoch, 18.03.2009 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: You are Where You Eat: Trans-farming Urban Food and Growing Community
LaDonna Redmond and Wil Bullock live in communities where 12-year olds suffer heart attacks, and where it’s easier to buy a semi-automatic weapon than an organic tomato. But they are changing that reality, providing access to fresh, healthy foods, and re-establishing the connections between food and community. (09-15)



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