
Interview with the armenian filmmaker Nairi Hakhverdi about her documentary

Interview with the armenian filmmaker Nairi Hakhverdi about her documentary "Sweeping Yerevan". The film portrays Marina, a woman who sweeps the streets of Armenia's capital Yerevan at night. The portrait gives a close insight in the multiple facets of Marina's life as well as raises questions about several universal issues, like the lack of visibility of precarious work, gender roles and sexual harassment.
In the interview, Nairi talks about how the idea to the film came to life, how she met Marina, what her intention of the film is, how the reception of the film is, and she gives an insight to her next projects.
With "Sweeping Yerevan" as well with her forthcoming projects, Nairi aims to make invisible layers of society visible.

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Samstag, 09.12.2023 - 18:00 - 19:00

Interview with the armenian filmmaker Nairi Hakhverdi about her documentary

Interview with the armenian filmmaker Nairi Hakhverdi about her documentary "Sweeping Yerevan". The film portrays Marina, a woman who sweeps the streets of Armenia's capital Yerevan at night. The portrait gives a close insight in the multiple facets of Marina's life as well as raises questions about several universal issues, like the lack of visibility of precarious work, gender roles and sexual harassment.
In the interview, Nairi talks about how the idea to the film came to life, how she met Marina, what her intention of the film is, how the reception of the film is, and she gives an insight to her next projects.
With "Sweeping Yerevan" as well with her forthcoming projects, Nairi aims to make invisible layers of society visible.



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