Donnerstag – 1. Dezember 2022

06:00 - 09:00




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09:00 - 09:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature".



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09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Native American Food Sovereignty 

Elena Terry is the Executive Chef/Founder of Wild Bearies, a non-profit community outreach catering organization that supports participants to overcome alcohol and other drug abuse issues or emotional traumas. One of her goals has been to develop mentorship programs that help build stronger communities within the Indigenous Food Sovereignty movement. Developing the Native American Food Sovereignty Associations Food and Culinary mentorship program in 2020, Elena emphasizes the healing nature of working with traditional indigenous ingredients while building community. Tune in to learn more about:

Wild Bearies and their mission to heal through real food and bringing communities together

The power of how ancestral knowledge of food and animals is being passed from one generation to the next

The cooperation with the Indigenous Seed Savers Network as well as Dream of Wild Health in continuing the stewardship of ancestral seeds

The story of the bean seed that came back to the tribe

The memories of her great-grandmother cooking over on open fire and the stories that were shared;
Learning how to butcher from her own grandmother;
What decolonized food is

Elena's philosophy that while food is medicine, the real medicine is in the creation and the relationships we build around food. 

Elena Terry 

Sprouts is a weekly program produced in collaboration with community radio stations and independent producers featuring radio productions of national interest. The program is coordinated and distributed by Pacifica Radio.

Heartland Stories Radio is a weekly 29-minute radio show that is also available as a podcast, sponsored by the Heartland Study, a non profit research project dedicated to protecting the health of pregnant women and their babies. Each show engages listeners on the issues and challenges in food, farming and global health. While the team is in the Heartland, where much food is produced, our issues and interviews are with change makers, influentials and everyday people from all over the globe. We present solid information about what we all can do together to assure a healthy and just food system for the 21st century.
Episodes are available on Audioport. Search for Heartland Stories or follow this link:  
A pioneer of the natural foods movement, host Theresa Marquez has dedicated her 40-year career to protecting family farmers and facing our health crisis through a culture of healthy food. Recently retired as Mission Executive for Organic Valley, Theresa created Heartland Stories Radio to reflect on the state of our world and its ensuing impact on public health, urging people to work together and take control of their impact on the planet.

Produced by Heartland Stories Radio

Sprouts theme music is Torpedoes on Tuesday by Poison Control CenterSprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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10:00 - 12:00

Offener Politkanal (W)

(Wiederholung vom vergangenen Sonntag, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr)



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12:00 - 13:00

LoRa Mittagsinfo (W)

Wiederholung vom Info vom Vortag 18-19 Uhr



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13:00 - 14:00


Jeden 1./ 2./ 3./ 5. Donnerstag



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14:00 - 15:00

Radio Kurdi Suisse

Radio Kurdi Suisse thematisiert kulturelle und soziale Themen, die die kurdische Gemeinschaft in der Schweiz betreffen. Unsere Schwerpunkte sind: Menschenrechte, Feminismus und das Zusammenleben. In unseren live-Sendungen beleuchten wir diese Themen in Form von Beiträgen und Reportagen und diskutieren mit Studiogästen. Daneben spielen wir natürlich auch schöne Musik!
jede gerade Kalenderwoche



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15:00 - 15:30


Ein Kooperations-Podcast mit WOZ, Tsüri, das Lamm, Reflekt und Higgs. In jeder Folge bespricht das Audio-Duo Hörkombinat einen aktuellen Artikel mit einem/einer Journalist:in und ergänzt das Interview mit Hintergrundinformationen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischen Themen. Geballte Information, unterhaltsam aufbereitet. - Hörkombinat sind Elvira Isenring und Dominik Dusek.

Jede gerade Kalenderwoche



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15:30 - 18:00




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18:00 - 19:00

Info LoRa

Das Nachrichtenmagazin greift Totgeschwiegenes auf, beleuchtet Bekanntes von unten, hinterfragt Breitgetretenes kritisch.



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19:00 - 20:00

The Durka Shuffle

A celebration of music that explores all corners of musical genres, moods and themes - with a touch of dark humour, satire and mischief.
All past episodes available on Mixcloud



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20:00 - 22:00

SkAbeats & more

Moderierte Musiksendung mit dem Schwerpunkt Ska, Rocksteady & more. Interviews mit Gästen, DJ-Live Sets

Jeden 1.Donnerstag im Monat



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22:00 - 24:00

Groovetown: These are the Breaks

Jeden 1. Donnerstag des Monats



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00:00 - 06:00




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Radio LoRa

Militärstrasse 85a, 8004 Zürich

Studio: 044 567 24 00

Koordination: 044 567 24 11

E-Mail Kontakt: Link hier

Präsenzzeiten: Montag bis Freitag 13 – 17 Uhr

IBAN CH91 0900 0000 8001 4403 9

Direct Stream:

Das Radio Lora hat viele Barrieren.
Nur der Eingangsbereich ist rollstuhlgängig. Das Livestudio befindet sich im Parterre, die Tür ist jedoch nur 80cm breit. Zur Toilette und zum Aufnahmestudio muss eine Treppe heruntergestiegen werden.

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